Well, we’ve been on the road for about two and half weeks, and this the first time I’ve taken the time, to sit down and write something, mostly because we’ve had so much stinking fun. I figure the best place to start with is today, which turned out to be a really neat touring day. Today’s the day the blizzard of 2015 was supposed to cripple the New York Metropolitan area, but in typical meteorological outcomes, New Jersey got possibly 6 to 8 inches of snow, while all my relatives on the East End of Long Island were last count buried under 28 inches of snow, and as of this time, it’s still snowing. This puts me in the untenable position of writing about what a great time I had in southern Florida, under clear blue skies, 70° weather, wearing a short sleeve shirt and jaunting about in a pair of shorts. Continue reading
Category Archives: Dry Camping
Touring Rocky Mountain NP
We’re on summer vacation, I suppose, and we had to run the heater this morning because it was 54 degrees in the coach. I’m glad that we weren’t out on the ground in a tent. We did that back in the day. For some reason I don’t miss it at all. With the heat turned up, we slept or another hour and got up sometime after 8AM. It is called vacation, and we were on vacation from retirement! Continue reading
Heaton Bay, Colorado to Rocky Mountain NP
There was no rush to get to Rocky Mountain National Park. We were within three hours of the park, and the route avoided the Berthoud pass. We had been to the pass once before, just for fun, and the road is a steep, curving, tall bastard. I had difficulty with the altitude the night before, and sleep that night was a dear commodity. I woke up feeling like I was swimming in oatmeal. We were not in a rush to get going anywhere. Continue reading
Arches to Heaton Bay NF Campground
We had an excellent evening. Sometime during one of my mid-sleep forays, I stuck my head out of the RV. It was cool, and it appeared to be just about an hour before dawn. Venus was rising, and when I looked out to the other side of the RV, the stars that had been our companions while we watched the fire, were gone, replaced by others. I think I saw the International Space Station pass overhead, but I didn’t buy that app for the iPad, so I guess I’ll never know. The night sky was beautiful, made even more so by the lack of man’s lighting. Continue reading
Touring Arches
We were both beat from the long drive the day before, so we weren’t out at the crack of dawn. It didn’t really matter, because we wanted to get a better campsite, and no one leaves a campsite straight away in the morning. There is always cleaning and organizing before you cast off. We had run out water, so it was nothing fancy for breakfast. Continue reading