How decadent was the night before? We turned on the AC and watched Short Circuit 2 on the TV, drank wine and ate nuts. No popcorn on the menu, but it’s just because no one thought of it. Megan slept in the RV again, and we buttoned everything up and left the AC on figuring that we would have a very comfortable night. I’m of the age where I travel occasionally in the middle of the night, and I gave no thought to the fact that the AC never cycled all night long. About 8:30 AM we got up, it’s vacation of course, and we saw/heard nothing from the brother or nieces side of the family. Something seemed different, so I checked the outside temperature. 57 degrees! Just a little chilly. I decided that we’d turn the heater on, as the coach was 64 degrees, and cook breakfast inside. Home fries, toast, coffee, tea, OJ, sausages and eggs any style you wanted. The best breakfast in Watkins Glen that morning, if I do say so. Continue reading