The night was really mild so that the heat didn’t cycle on off very often. Since the rooftop solar panels are brand-new, I checked the voltage and was very pleased to find out there was over 12 volts. I am of the age where I usually take a walk about 6 o’clock in the morning, and when I did, I found the sunset was spectacular. You couldn’t really see the ocean from where we were camped, but the dunes ,the grass ,the pink sky ,the sound of the surf, and the temperature being about 64°, it was pretty great for the tail end of October, and made for a wonderful morning.
One of the problems with New York State Parks is that the generator hours are skewed late and early. According to the literature, we were not allowed to run a generator until after 9 AM at the Hither Hills State Park, but fortunately the french press coffeemaker had been repaired the week before, so we boiled water and made coffee. No generator to run. A couple of egg sandwiches and we were ready to start our day. Continue reading