Category Archives: Stanhope Campground

Go Figure

Well yesterday, I was all puffed up with the fact that I swept, washed and waxed the floors and polished the cabinets and straightened the RV so it was looking Pretttttyyy gooood. This morning I spilled a box of chicken stuffing. You know, the big open tube, with the stupid it never stays on tight after you’ve removed the aluminum foil sealer, so you better us it pretty damn quick, ’cause it will go stale lid? Yes, that one. All over inside the cabinet.

What is that saying? No good deed goes unpunished? I’ll have to keep my yammer shut when it comes to that kind of stuff. Karma is whispering to me.

Sunday in Stanhope

I’m staying at the Stanhope Campground in the Prince Edward Island National Park. I knew when making the reservation that there would be some challenges to staying here. For one, I started my stay at the end of one of the largest Country Music Festivals on the Island. There weren’t many vacancies. The site was listed as suitable for a 20 foot RV. I’m 24’ without the additional rear carrier that I added. The carrier adds almost three feet to the RV.  It’s the tightest RV site I’ve been in, in years. There is no room. At the rear, I’ve got maybe a foot between the RV and the water and power post and the front grill is a foot, maybe, from the brush that borders the other part of the site. No complaints, I knew going in, that it was pushing the limits, but no one has ever been this truthful about the size of a campsite. Continue reading