If you read online usergroups forums, you will see that the participants fall into several groups. There is the “I was an engineer and told my minions how it will work”, the “which end of the hammer do you hit the nail with”, the “I’ve only had it for ten years and it wore out, why?”, and the “Joe Expert, but I really have no idea what I’m talking about” posters. Occasionally, there is the person who after thought, care, and experimentation, posts really worthwhile information.
Our RV had it’s original shocks, and riding in the rear was akin to being on a carnival ride. The one thing that was consistent on all the user groups was that the coach really needs Bilstein shocks. Trying not to be a fool, I ordered a pair, and my ace mechanic Mr. Longfield put them on in half a moment, and it was like having a new RV.
If only getting new things was always that inexpensive and easy!